Coronavirus Pandemic Update

Dear Customer,

Currently, all Dresser Utility Solutions, formerly Dresser NGS, facilities remain open and are continuing normal operations as stated in our March 13th update.

The March 19, 2020 announcement in Pennsylvania concerning the closure of all Pennsylvania businesses that are not life sustaining, we have consulted with advisors and federal government officials and determined that Dresser Pipeline Solutions will continue normal operations. Since we are manufacturing essential coupling and repair products for natural gas distribution, transmission pipeline operators, water utility systems and other critical Energy infrastructure, it is incumbent on us to maintain our normal work schedule throughout this crisis. Dresser Pipeline Solutions is regarded as an essential supplier by most major gas distribution companies particularly those in the Northeast, mid-Atlantic and mid-West where the infrastructure is dated and requires frequent maintenance and repair. Our businesses are deemed essential and we expect them to remain open throughout the Covid-19 outbreak, while taking the proper precautions to protect our employees and customers from spreading the virus.

Over the past weeks Dresser Utility Solutions has developed plans and taken actions to comply with all federal and state social distancing guidelines and increased sanitation efforts. We are allowing employees to work flexible schedules wherever possible and change shifts for the purposes of distancing and to assist with childcare or other employee issues. We are cleaning the facility multiple times per day. Additionally, we will immediately allow anyone who can work from home to do so. Dresser Utility Solutions has gone through great lengths to provide its employees the ability to continue to work during this challenging time of health and economic crisis.

You can follow our updates online.

We appreciate your business and support.